Crossrail Operational Assessment
Client: London Underground Ltd, Jun - Aug 2003
The concept of a Crossrail project to link together via a new tunnel suburban rail services running out of London to both East and West has been around for many years. However, in 2003, a new option was put forward, suggesting that one of the Western branches might run to Richmond. This would involve either sharing or taking over and diverting the existing Richmond branch of the District line and/or the Western end of the North London Line, which led to a myriad of options.
London Underground commissioned the Railway Consultancy to carry out an independent assessment of these proposals, since they have many implications. Our study included both the consideration of operational issues (such as junction working, service reliability, the adequacy of power supplies and rolling stock availability), and passenger issues (such as the impact on journey times and hence demand, and the ease of, and requirement for, interchange at stations). In addition, impacts during construction, and the legal implications (under PFI/PPP arrangements) were also discussed. All options were scored against these criteria and, as a result of this, we were able to make recommendations which formed part of LUL's response to the SRA.
Last updated: Sunday, 18th December 2016
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